Fighting Lockdown Fatigue – How to Keep your Marketing Going

Marketing has been going digital for decades, but now as the rest of the business world is racing to catch up, the huge increase in screen-time means we’re all fighting Lockdown fatigue.  We’re growing tired of webinars, video calls, and endless ‘how to improve working from home’ blogs.  So how do we keep our marketing going when the same audiences who were excited about our innovative ways to attract and entertain them online, are now fed up with anything digital?

Social Media

Instead of continuing to share useful articles on your feed and hoping for people to respond, start engaging with them first.  Get into the comment sections of relevant posts and share your article there.  Add value, give back, don’t keep shouting and hoping you’ll be heard above the noise.

Also, use this time to encourage your employees to grow their social media presence, especially on LinkedIn and Twitter.  Offer training on how to be confident and helpful online; show them how to add valuable insight, and to do it when their network wants to hear from them, not before.


Emails are still converting as well as they have ever done, but the secret to standing out in a crowd right now is to get creative.  Segregate your audience and send them targeted messages.  The most effective emails right now are highly personalised, and create memorable experiences for your audience, so take the time and do it properly to see a difference.

Go offline

Royal Mail recently did some research with MarketReach, which has shown that physical mail is having more impact on customers than ever before.  Since we are more likely to be home when our mail arrives, we choose when to look at it and if we want to respond to it, rather than throwing it in a pile at the end of a long day.  The research shows that the biggest rise in engagement has been in the 18-34 age group.

The best part of this research?  Mail is an increasingly effective method of driving people online, with a 70% increase year-on-year of traffic driven by physical mail.  Send your customers thank you cards, care packs, physical vouchers – anything that could bring them a smile when they go to the letter box. 

Whatever method you choose to use to reenergise your fatigued marketing, the most important thing is to do something.  Now is not the time to slow down.  It might feel pointless, especially if your business has been forced to stop trading, but now is the time to plan for the future.  When lockdown finally lifts and you are able to reopen, a new marketing strategy will be the last thing on your list!  Market now, reap the benefits later.

And remember there’s support available to help you if needed. If you’re interested in talking to our team about how we could help you keep your marketing going during lockdown we’d love to hear from you. Contact us here for more information or give us a call on 01600 891525.