7th – 11th October 2019
Work-Life Balance; we all strive for that perfect mix of work and home life that complements one another and supports productivity. However, a lot of the time achieving this balance is easier said than done. This week is National Work-Life Balance Week, created by Working Families with the aim of getting both employers and employees talking more openly about well being at work and at home.
What is Work-Life Balance?
Work-Life Balance is the comparison of the amount of time and effort spent at work, to that spent on other aspects of life. A healthy work-life balance is when you can maintain your personal and professional life without one having an affect on the other.
The benefits of achieving a healthy work-life balance include better motivation, higher productivity and lower chances of burning yourself out at work.
Everybody’s lives, jobs roles and goals are different, so there isn’t really a one size fits all approach when it come to achieving this work-life balance, but there are a few tips and tricks you could try out.
Play to your Strengths
Trying to be everything for everyone will often end up with you disappointing people. Understand your strengths and use them. If you’re not so hot at something, then delegate or outsource. If you’re trying to post for your brand on all Social Media platforms and can’t keep up, then assess which ones are most appropriate and utilise them well.
Prioritise and Manage
Just looking at that lengthy to-do list can make it feel like you’ll never complete it. Order your duties and prioritise them based on urgency and importance.
Understand yourself
If you work better in the mornings, then set yourself the more challenging, tougher tasks for the morning. If you’re more pro-active in the afternoon/evening, then give yourself the easier tasks in the morning. That way you are giving the tougher tasks your best level of concentration.
Utilise Technology
We live in the digital age, and there are countless apps, tools and automation devices that help us work more efficiently. Use these tools to support flexible working, rather than as a way to work 24/7.
Make some time for you
At least once a day, give yourself some time. Use this time to switch off and focus on re-charging. You’ll be surprised at how much taking this time out will benefit your well being.
Whether you’re an employee or an employer, striking the perfect balance between work and life can be hard. But if you try out some of these tips, and remember to be realistic in what you can achieve, then you might just be surprised at the changes you see.
If you need some help on utilising tools and effectively communicating your brand without burning out, then get in touch today and we may be able to help.