Repurposing content

Constantly coming up with new content ideas for marketing can be tough, especially if your brand is in a niche market without huge scope for diversity of topics. However, if the content you are promoting is useful, popular and insightful, it would be a shame to let it fade to the back!

One way to get the most out of ideas is through repurposing content. The idea of repurposing is to target different segments of your target market by presenting your valuable information in ways in which they will engage with and respond to.

Why should you repurpose content?


Reach new audiences

Some people will respond better to visual infographics, while others might engage with the same content written in blog form. Some people prefer to listen to a podcast, others a video. Repurposing your content to adhere to these different preferences will give you a better chance of widening your reach and enhancing engagement.

Refresh old content

Bringing previously successful content back to the forefront of your marketing could be a way of reigniting popular content, ensuring that those golden nuggets aren’t forgotten!

Get the most out of every idea

Rather than racking your brain for new concepts and running dry, utilise every idea and create a number of content pieces from it. One topic could be turned into a podcast, whitepaper, infographic and blog article!

Boost your SEO

Having various types of content around a certain subject can give you more opportunities to target a particular keyword or phrase. This will increase the chances of ranking highly when it comes to search engine results.

Ways to repurpose content?

-Take an old blog article and create a podcast around the topic

-Split an infographic up into individual Twitter posts

-Transform your popular content into an email series

-Convert testimonials into content

-Simply re-share and re-post popular content on social media

Here at LimeGreen Marketing, we can develop strategies that not only come up with new content, but utilise it to reach your target market in ways that make them respond. Get in touch today to get started.

Influencer Marketing: The Take Over

Influencer Marketing: It’s essentially celebrity endorsement, put into the modern-day content marketing strategy. Influencer Marketing will usually involve a collaboration between today’s internet-famous and brands. These peoples’ recommendations have proven to have massive impacts on ROI and the tactic has grown hugely in recent years.

To put this growth into perspective, here are some stats and facts:

– 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on a Social Media reference

– Instagram is the most popular platform for influencer marketing, with a predicted $2.4 billion to be spent by marketers on Instagram in 2020

– 86% of women head to Social Media platforms before making a purchase

There’s huge money in Influencer Marketing, and companies are investing big percentages of their budget into it. 2019 Love Island star Molly-Mae Hague earns around £7,200 for a single sponsored Instagram post, and the most successful influencers such as Kylie Jenner get a whopping $1 million per sponsored post!

Now, these figures may seem out of reach for most Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s), however the fact remains that Influencer Marketing is not to be scoffed at. If you’re looking to reach your target market directly, this could be an avenue to explore.

However, as influencer marketing is so new, it can be hard to know where to start and what to do. Here are some key tips for anyone getting started:

Find influencers that encompass your brand values

It’s important when searching for an influencer for your brand, not to just look at follower numbers and engagement rates, but to look at their whole brand image. Does it match yours? Do they have the same values as your brand? You want to form partnerships with your chosen influencers, that way they’re more like brand ambassadors, rather than simply churning out meaningless content.

Delve deeper into the metrics

You may think that finding an influencer with a huge number of followers is the way to reach a wider audience, however this isn’t always the case. Big numbers don’t always mean that they’re all paying attention. A lower number of followers could mean that they have a tighter network and bigger engagement rates. If you’re in a niche market, you may be better off going for an influencer with a lower number of followers, but with a good and trustworthy relationship with them.

Work with your chosen influencer(s) to get content that works for everyone

You’ll need to collaborate with your influencers to ensure that they’re posting content that matches both your own and their brand image, as well as motivating people to act. Working together is the best way to create content that is a win-win for everyone; your brand, your influencer, and their followers.

Finding influencers can be a tough job, too. A good place to start would be to search for relevant hashtags to your industry and see who may already be taking an active interest in your brand or products. Build up relationships with these people and do your research to see if they’re the right fit.

If you don’t have the time to put in all of this research, there’s some good tools out there to help you out:

Upfluence – A tool that helps you search for and contact influencers that are relevant to your brand

Socialbakers – A search facility that gives influencers a score based on how they match up to your brand – A free library of influencers that you can search for by category, location and more 

Taking the leap into a new and unknown world can be a big step. But, with these basic tips and tools, you’ll be well on your way. If you’d like any consultation or help with your marketing strategy and tactics, then get in touch with us.



Be a Better Blogger

So, you’re building a new website for your business and need to know whether to include a blog?


Well, just like social media, a blog is not just a box to be ticked, but a useful tool to keep your customers up to date with your company’s products and services while helping your website’s SEO (search engine optimisation) in the process.

Every time a blog is written it is indexed on your page. This means it will show up on search engines, making your website more relevant and pushing it to the top of the page of results. This in turn will drive more traffic to your site, which means more potential customers!

Adding a ‘call-to-action’ to every blog post can also strengthen your social reach, by creating content that encourages people to share it, and to find out more information about your company.

Another thing to remember when it comes to blogging is that this can make your company more personal and help your business develop a relationship with existing and potential customers. People are more likely going to spend their money if they feel like they know your brand.


To help you get started we’ve put together five tips to create a great blog article…


Understand your audience: It’s important to understand what your audience wants so that you know they will want to read it. Create blogs that relate to your target audience or that link with your company’s brand or product.


Pick a catchy title: Short, snappy and catchy! Your title needs to be informative about your blog content without telling the whole story, so people want to read the article and find out what you’re talking about.


Featured image: An eye-catching image will attract a reader before they even read your title. Images should be relevant to the content of your post and images should be good quality. Once you’ve got your readers attention, they are more likely to read and remember your content.


Short and simple sentences: Just because you know what you’re talking about, doesn’t mean all your readers do. Keep it simple and avoid repetition. Readers can lose interest in a text heavy article that they can’t make sense of. Using bullet points or lists can also make a blog article more readable.


Research: Check your facts. There’s nothing worse for your brands reputation and respect than if you’re found to be wrong. False or inaccurate information will not inspire confidence in your customers so get it right. The more useful information a blog post contains, the more engaged the audience will be and the more likely they are to share the post.


If you’re looking for additional support and want to make the most of your businesses blog, get in touch with our team today. Email or call us on 01600 891525.